
Joint Statement by Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, and Ukraine on Cooperation in strengthening regional security

We, the ministers of Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Ukraine, met in Vilnius on October 27, 2023, to discuss current security challenges posed by ongoing armed conflicts and hybrid threats to our countries.

Reprehensible acts of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, the instrumentalization of migrants by Belarus, are sources of security threats that have fundamental significance not only for the stability and security of our region, but also of wider Europe, and ultimately, the entire world.

We recognize that the above-mentioned threats encompass a wide range of activities, including disturbance on the borders, instrumentalization of migrant flows, cyber and information attacks, sabotage and disinformation campaigns.

In this context, we are determined to respond adequately and to take necessary measures to protect our societies. We are determined to deepen our cooperation in internal security issues, including information sharing and capacity building.

While addressing common challenges, we acknowledge the importance of cooperation with regional organizations and international partners, most importantly the European Union (EU) and NATO. In the light of various geopolitical challenges and unprecedented migratory pressure on the EU’s external borders, the need for the European Commission to decisively step up the support for external border protection has never been greater.

Our unity and commitment to regional security will serve as a deterrent to those who seek to undermine our sovereignty, exert political pressure, interfere in domestic political processes, destabilise our states and instigate mistrust in our Governments.  

We are committed to strengthening our resilience and sending a clear message that we will continue to support the fight of the Ukrainian people against Russia’s aggression and are prepared to respond to the challenges, in unity and solidarity. We call on all like-minded nations who share our concerns to join us in this endeavour.