Activities of the Ministry

Activities of the Ministry are governed by

  • the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania
  • laws other legal acts passed by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
  • international agreements of the Republic of Lithuania
  • decrees of the President of Lithuania
  • resolutions of the Lithuanian Government and decrees of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania

Activities of the Ministry are based on

  • the Lithuanian Republic Government Programme
  • State Long-Term Development Strategy

The planning system of the Ministry consists of annual and short-term plans, and long-term development strategies.

Programes of the Ministry are realized by administration divisions of the Ministry, institutions under the Ministry and other institutions operating in areas of administration entrusted to the Minister of the Interior.

Their activity is coordinated and controlled by authorities of the Ministry according to the specific spheres of administration.

Last updated: 20-09-2023