Strategic provisions
Regional policy – is the public policy, aimed at the redistribution of public investmets in favour of less developed regions. The aim of the regional policy is the reduction of regional socio-economic disparities within the country. Horizontal measures of national regional policy are implemented in all countries territory via regional development plans, national strategies and programmes, local and regional initiatives.
Strategic provisions of Lithuanian national regional policy are incorporated into EU structural support programing documents: Strategy and Operational Programmes. This allows to use EU support for national regional policy.
National regional policy takes into account the limited financial resources and thus proposes to concentrate:
- on the development of a limited number of regional centres, which have the highest development potential;
- problem territories, with highest social development needs;
- solving of specific problems of regional or local character of the sectors of economy.
This resulted in the set of vertical measures, which are implemented in target territories/sectors:
- Regional centers (7 cities);
- Problem territories (14 municipalities);
- Ignalina nuclear power plant region (3 municipalities).
- Visaginas municipality.
Target sector – rural development, diversification of rural economy.
Direct (vertical) measures of EU support
Regional centers: Development of urban infrastructure and living envinronment, investment attraction (120,3 MEUR until 2013);
Problem territories:
- Development of urban infrastructure and living envinronment, investment attraction (31 MEUR until 2013);
- Renovation of multiflat housing (47 MEUR until 2013);
- Development of social housing (11,8 MEUR until 2013).
Rural areas: Development of public spaces and social infrastructure, diversification of economic activity (100,4 MEUR until 2013)